Upcoming VR Multiplayer Survival ‘GRIM’ Looks Like ‘RUST’ on Mars, Trailer Here

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During the VR Games Showcase today, developers Spoonfed Interactive and Combat Waffle Studios and publisher Beyond Frames Entertainment showed off more of the upcoming VR multiplayer survival game GRIM.

In Grim, you must immerse yourself in its red wasteland, where survival is not just a choice but a grueling battle against nature and other desperate players, the studios say.

“You must gather resources, craft, and build your base, all to stay alive.”

Coming to Quest 2/3/Pro and PC VR “soon”, we also got a first look in the game’s official reveal trailer, making it feel more than a bit like Rust on Mars.

The studios say Grim is expected to launch a public alpha on both the Horizon Store for Quest and Steam VR later this year.