‘Thrill of the Fight 2’ Gameplay Revealed, Coming to Quest in Early Access in November

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We’ve been hoping to see Thrill of the Fight 2 in action since it was announced last year, the upcoming sequel to Quest’s most popular VR boxing sim. Now, studios Sealost Interactive and Halfbrick Studios released the game’s first proper trailer, further announcing it’s headed to Quest in early access on November 21st.

The early access version on Quest is set to launch with online multiplayer, which includes with skill-based matchmaking and direct matching, as well as customizable avatars and what the studio calls “responsive, true to life physics.”

Sealost Interactive’s Ian Fitz says on the game’s Discord (invite link) the team plans to bring it to other platforms eventually, which he notes isn’t due to “any contractual exclusivity or anything like that.”

And unlike the original Thrill of the Fight (2016), the sequel’s biggest claim to fame is its online multiplayer, although a single player ‘career’ mode has been confirmed to arrive at some point.

“Single player is important to us and I want to take it WAY beyond what’s in Thrill 1, but multiplayer is the shiny new feature that Thrill 1 couldn’t do that is going to hog the spotlight for awhile,” Fitz says.

We’ve reached out to learn more about the upcoming career mode, and will update this article when we hear back.

In the meantime, you can now wishlist Thrill of the Fight 2 on the Horizon Store.

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