Roguelite VR Shooter ‘The Light Brigade’ Gets New Class and Weapon in Latest Update

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Funktronic Labs, the studio behind roguelite shooter The Light Brigade (2023), just dropped a major content update that brings a new playable character, new ability, and a new procedurally generated region.

Called the ‘Phantom of Time’, the free update introduces the ‘Saboteur’, a revolver-wielding gunslinger who comes part and parcel with a new ability, called the ‘Timepiece’.

The new ability lets you cloak yourself and deploy a ‘deadringer’ copy, letting you make a swift escape, or tactical move to outmaneuver your enemy. Check it out in action in the trailer below:

A new region, called ‘Memorial Grounds’, is here too, bringing a new procedurally generated, war-torn crypt that the studio says was “once a resting place for honored soldiers, now reduced to ruins by endless battle. Uncover secrets buried in the chaos.”

Initially released in February 2023, we were mightily impressed with The Light Brigade, giving it a solid [8.5/10] in our full review thanks to its clever upgrade system and engaging WWII-era weapons.

The free update is available starting today across all supported platforms, including PSVR 2, SteamVR headsets, and Quest 2 and up, where you’ll find it priced between $25 and $17.50 depending on platform-specific sales.

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