MACA Deploys Racecar Technology in Creation of Hybrid Carcopter S Eleven Flying Vehicle

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January 5, 2022 by

Historically, race cars have had a tremendous impact on the evolution of the consumer automobile. Nearly every element incorporated into modern vehicles, from aerodynamics, steering wheels and suspension to transmissions and turbochargers – was born from innovations on the racetrack.

So when French startup MACA unveils their revolutionary Hybrid Carcopter S Eleven Flying Vehicle from

Booth #61244 in the Eureka Park Marketplace at CES next month, It should come as no surprise that this

new flying race car has its roots in the world’s fastest sport.

“The racing industry has enabled us to build and evolve our product faster than our competitors because

we apply existing requirements and certifications to our craft beginning with our initial design phase,

allowing us to overcome all regulatory hurdles before conceptual development ever began,” says MACA

Chief Operating Officer Thierry de Boisvilliers. “Plus the Carcopter S Eleven will be powered by ecofriendly Hydrogen-based fuel cells, which leaves no impact on the environment while delivering greater

time-in-the-sky autonomy than vehicles using electricity or fossil fuels.” What’s more, de Boisvilliers

says, the company’s relationship with the world of auto racing allows MACA to fly their vehicle at low

altitudes at local racetracks within a closed environment, thus enabling the company to gauge, monitor

and support the vehicle through every phase of product testing.

“During trial flights, MACA will place sensors all around the tests-tracks, ensuring that even unmanned

sessions will prevent vehicles from hitting walls or – in the case of multiple vehicles testing

simultaneously – one another,” he says.

A retired French fighter pilot, de Boisvilliers founded MACA in 2020 with former Airbus executive

Michael Krollak, after three years of R&D. The concept launched as the direct result of an internal

Airbus engineering competition, where the duo’s Formula One Flying Car Concept earned top honors,

garnering the support of all major Airbus divisions. Now equipped with a Carcopter S Eleven flying

prototype, MACA intends to unveil their creation to the world next month in Vegas.

“Like our overall flying car concept, our booth won’t be your normal run of the mill trade show exhibit,”

de Boisvilliers says. “Through the power of Augmented Reality, visitors to our booth will feel the power

and excitement of autonomous flight over a broad variety of landscapes and terrains. They will truly

experience exactly how it will feel to fly aboard an S Eleven.” MACA’s exhibit booth at CES will also

feature a 1/3rd-sized scale model of the vehicle.

In addition to their booth in Eureka Park, MACA will also exhibit at CES Unveiled. The media-only

showcase event will take place Monday, January 3, from 5: 00 until 8: 30 p.m. in the Shorelines Exhibit

Hall at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.

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Last modified: January 4, 2022

About the Author:

Jeremy is the Consumer Tech Reporter at