SAP becomes Europe’s most valuable company, ASML holds fourth place

Just five months after surpassing ASML, German software giant SAP has overtaken Novo Nordisk to become Europe’s most valuable listed company. SAP’s shares rose 1.6% on Monday, bringing its market…

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After Northvolt, Europe’s battery path leads to China — or new tech frontiers

Fuelled by $15bn in financing, Northvolt was supposed to be Europe’s great battery success story — a homegrown champion capable of competing with Asian and American giants.   So when Northvolt…

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Opinion: To close Europe’s defence tech gap, governments must support startups

The United States has long understood a simple truth: war is won not by size alone, but by speed and creativity. Indeed, innovation has always been crucial in conflict. Armour…

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The European Accessibility Act risks becoming just a box-ticking exercise

With the compliance deadline for the European Accessibility Act (EAA) fast approaching, companies are urgently trying to ensure their websites meet the requirements of the EU directive.  One appealing solution…

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Euclid space telescope captures multiple super rare double gravitational lenses

ESA has released the first major batch of data from its “dark universe” telescope Euclid. What’s inside could change our understanding of dark matter and the expansion of the Universe.…

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Ex-ArianeGroup CEO backs Pangea to build 3D-printed aerospike rocket engines

Aerospike rocket engines are the stuff of legend in the space industry. Conceived in the 1960s, their unique spiked-nozzle design promises better efficiency, reusability, and performance at all altitudes. But…

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Exclusive: Visoid bags fresh funds for AI that accelerates 3D rendering for architects

Oslo-based startup Visoid has raised €700,000 in seed funding for its AI software, which helps architects turn their 3D models into striking renders within seconds.  For architects and designers, a…

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Tired of AI slop on Instagram? These alternative apps are for human artists only

Baby Elon Musk. Shrimp Jesus. The Titanic colliding with an iceberg lettuce. Social media is saturated with AI slop — low-quality, often ridiculous and sometimes disturbing images, videos, or words…

Continue ReadingTired of AI slop on Instagram? These alternative apps are for human artists only